Internet Addiction: The Silent Epidemic in a Digitized World

By Vernon Reid 7 months ago

In an era where connectivity is lauded as the pinnacle of progress, a darker underbelly emerges—Internet Addiction. Often overlooked and sometimes dismissed as a non-issue, Internet Addiction has steadily become a pervasive concern, affecting millions globally. With increasing reliance on digital platforms for work, social interaction, and entertainment, the lines between healthy use and dependency […]

Why Video Game Addiction Happens

By Vernon Reid 5 years ago

Video game addiction, often classified under the broader scope of digital or internet addiction, is a burgeoning concern with far-reaching implications. This addictive behavior manifests as compulsive gaming that interferes with daily life activities, causing negative effects on relationships, work, and mental well-being. But why does it happen? How does a seemingly innocent hobby turn […]